Clerk & Master, Lisa Scott

Lisa Scott, Clerk & Master

"Loudon County Chancery Court is a State Court of Record and meets in April, August, and December. When initiating a case in Chancery Court, it is strongly recommended to have attorney representation. Matters can become complex without warning causing unwanted delays or results.

Attorneys are trained and insured to assist clients through the court process achieving positive outcomes when possible. As clerk we strive to serve efficiently, effectively, with innovative means aspiring for accuracy in attention to details. Please contact us with any suggestions to improve. We hope you find the information on our site to be helpful."

- Lisa Scott, Loudon County Clerk and Master

Lisa serves Chancellor Tom McFarland in his Loudon County Clerks Office. As the Clerk and Master, Ms. Scott manages all aspects of the Chancery Court for Loudon County including court documents, cases, accounting, technology, records retention, facility, and employee.